Monday, February 28, 2011

Here's a little something for the time being. More soon!

- Kris

I LOVE it, Kris!

-JAW Cooper


  1. Wowza bo Bowza! Your pic is outstanding Coop!

  2. Y'know, your drawing is clearly superior than mine. I'm really impressed with this. Very creative, very elegant. At first I felt sad, 'cuz I was reminded that ain't "hot shit", so to speak. But then I started to feel something different... a strange inspiration and energy... a drive to respond, to challenge myself. Am I... feeling... ... ... competative..? Against my BFF?! I'm so selfish!

    I tend to see competativeness as a hostile and petty emotion, but maybe I am looking at things the wrong way. It seems it can be a positive, productive emotion at times. You "beat" me, yet I somehow feel inspired, and pumped up, and ready to play another round. This could become quite fun. A fine sport. I think I understand Project Suckle a little better now. Through it, we can generate and foster ambition and creativity in our fellow tablemates. We can be each others inspiration. Is that the idea? You shrewd devil, you. Let's get PUMPED UP BABY!

  3. PUMPED UP!!! Remember, it was YOUR gorgeous drawing that inspired my to draw this. YOU INSPIRE ME IN A BIG WAY! I hope my drawings have the same effect on you.

    Friendly competition is the best, and nothing is friendlier than OUR competition. You already know I think the world of your work.
